Thursday, March 01, 2007

Discontented with Freud's "Discontents"

In the year or two that immediately followed the atrocities of September Eleventh, 2001, I turned to a re-reading of "Civilization and Its Discontents [Das Unbehagen in der Kultur]," to see if Sigmund Freud's magisterial deployment of the conflict between the archetypal forces of eros and thanatos, love and death, might account in some way for the destructive fury of the primitive demons who attacked civilization with its own technological power. I was disappointed, and I am going to try to account for one small aspect of my disappointment tonight.

This post will try to begin unraveling some of the unsatisfying shortcomings in Freud's essay. I should say at the outset that I think Freud occupies a position in the intellectual pantheon that is not in proportion to his actual accomplishments. He is a bravura writer, and a cogent and penetrating literary critic, but as a scientist and a philosopher, I think he is open to serious criticism. Although I was in my salad days much taken by the titanic personage evoked by Ernest Jones's bioography, I have been gradually disillusioned by the realization that most of Freud's insights, particularly as presented in the high-falutin' English translations of his work (e.g. "I and It" becomes "The Ego and the Id") are based on a very slim database, and that his observations of middle-class Viennese neurotics may not, after all, provide a sufficient basis for the sort of overarching philosophical psychology that he adumbrates. Nuff said.

Here's just one tiny footnote.

Professor Freud's discussion of "one of the ideal demands, as we have called them, of civilized society" which can be found in Section V of "Civilization and Its Discontents," (pages 64-75 of the "standard edition" published by W. W. Norton) is a curious demonstration of ignorance in the midst of profound learning, and obtuseness in the midst of very subtle acuity.

Let me explain.

Freud begins by describing this "ideal demand" as follows:
It runs: 'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.' It is known throughout the world and is undoubtedly older than Christianity, which puts it forward as its proudest claim."
That is a very bizarre statement, as I hope to demonstrate. Bear with me.

Most of the Christians I know would say that the proudest claim of Christianity - and its unique claim - is the one encapsulated in John 3:16, rather than the one mentioned in Matthew 22:39. But that isn't Freud's most glaring obtuseness here.

Rather, I was puzzled by his blithe statement that the commandment "is undoubtedly older than Christianity." Unless this is a puckish, coy Freud, it is decidedly odd that he seems entirely unaware that Jesus was quoting verbatim, Leviticus 19:18, a text that was already more than 1,000 years old when Jesus was born.

It is an illustration, I think, that although Freud was, according to Ernest Jones's biography, proud of his Jewish identity, he was remarkably uneducated and uncurious about the Jewish tradition, and its traditional literature.

We'll develop that idea further as we describe Freud's bizarre interpretation of the Biblical commandment.

Freud goes on to give what he describes as an interpretation of the commandment from "a naive attitude." He does not attempt to understand what might have been signified by the original, terse Hebrew phrase "ve-ahavta le-re-acha k'amocha," and does not question his immediately everyday acceptance that he knows what "love," "neighbor," and "like yourself" might actually signify. Of course, plumbing the depths of meaning contained in that phrase, and those words, has much occupied religious thinkers, and in both the Jewish and the Christian traditions regarding them, in point of fact. Just who is a "neighbor" was asked, and what does it mean to "love" that neighbor. (The word "neighbor" indicates someone who is close or near to you. In one of the most interesting Jewish interpretations, that of the Sfas Emes, that "neighbor" is on one level none other than the Creator, and the commandment thus echoes that other great Jewish commandment [Deuteronomy 6:5] which Jesus indicated was the "first and great commandment" [Matthew 22:37] -- but I digress.)

To Freud, the commandment to love one's neighbor is intensely problematic. He begins by noting that his "love is something valuable which I ought not to throw away without reflection. It imposes duties on me for whose fulfillment I must be ready to make sacrifices. If I love someone, he must deserve it in some way." These are really remarkable assumptions and assertions, that have no basis other than Freud's own feelings. He goes on to say:
If I love someone, he must deserve it in some way. . . .He deserves it if he is so like me in important ways that I can love myself in him; and he deserves it if he is so much more perfect than myself that I can love my ideal of my own self in him.
Again, I think that these idiosyncratic notions do not derive from the text of the commandment, but from Freud's own ideology.

After concluding that the neighbor is really a "stranger" who is just "an inhabitant of this earth, like an insect, an earth-worm or a grass-snake" and thus "only a small modicum of my love will fall to his share," Freud wonders:
What is the point of a precept enunciated with so much solemnity if its fulfillment cannot be recommended as reasonable?
And he then concludes:
Not merely is this stranger in general unworthy of my love, I must honestly confess that he has more claim to my hostility and even my hatred. He seems not to have the least trace of love for me and shows me not the slightest consideration.
How is that for projection? It seems clear that Freud willfully chooses not to understand that the commandment comes from a Transcendent Source, and is intended to modify and direct human conduct, rather than being a logical outcome of what Freud has come to identify as human nature. He goes on:
Indeed, if this grandiose commandment had run 'Love thy neighbor as thy neighbor loves thee', I should not take exception to it. And there is a second commandment, which seems to me even more incomprehensible than and arouses still stronger opposition in me. It is 'Love thine enemies.'
To Freud, a commandment is only acceptable if it merely confirms what he already finds in human nature. The idea that civilization might be partially based on a commandment that is not necessarily in harmony with every aspect of human nature, baffles him. It seems pretty clear to me, however, that the commandments of the Transcendent Source are not intended to ratify every base impulse that may be present in human nature, but to control human behavior and thereby transform its nature.

At any rate, Freud next introduces his theme of innate human aggressiveness, saying that "men are not gentle creatures who want to be loved, and who at the most can defend themselves if they are attacked; they are, on the contrary, creatures among those whose instinctual endowments is to be reckoned a powerful share of aggressiveness. As a result, their neighbor is for them not only a potential helper or sexual object, but also someone who tempts them to satisfy their aggressiveness on him, to exploit his capacity for work without compensation, to use him sexually without his consent, to seize his possessions, to humiliate him, to cause him pain, to torture and to kill him."

Freud's obtuseness prevents him from realizing that the Bible knows very well what real human beings are really like, and never shies away from that knowledge. The Transcendent Source of the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself knows very well what is in your heart of hearts, and that is one reason why there is more than one commandment. The commandment is part of a comprehensive structure of the 613 commandments which are intended to guide the individual and collective lives of the Jewish people, and serve not only to control their behavior, but to remake their very essence in accordance with a higher plan. And the 7 Noachide commandments serve to accomplish the same thing for the other nations.

The point is, that you cannot understand what it is to love your neighbor as yourself in a vacuum, simply because, despite its evident importance (the kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Luria recommended reciting it before every daily prayer) it is a commandment that is one part of a larger systematic approach to human character and behavior.

Freud's entire discussion of innate human aggressiveness, I will leave for another occasion. My purpose this evening was merely to show that this otherwise highly educated and curious man was curiously ignorant about the sources from which the commandment he so glibly discusses emerged, and unwilling to tackle its meaning on its own terms. Like the caricature of Judaism which he presents in "Moses and Monotheism," Freud's analysis of the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself is a cartoonish projection, rather than a well-studied and well-appreciated representation.

One final note: the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself is not at all the same thing as the "Golden Rule," whether that Rule is stated positively, as in the Gospels, or negatively, as in the Jewish tradition, or in any one of the ways in which the "Golden Rule" is stated in the dozens of traditional cultural sources in which it appears. But that's another story altogether.


Blogger SC&A said...

This is very, very good- and needs further treatment.

Along the same lines, see these:

I also noted, along relayed lines that "...that for some reason, we are not allowed to hate. We have chosen to use a religious metaphor, if you will, because so much of our culture and society is based on Judeo-Christian ethics.

Not hating a certain kind of enemy is essentially the equivalent of ridding evil of it's 'evilness.'

Now, to be clear, we are admonished to 'turn the other cheek.' This is a good and admirable trait, to be forgiving toward those who trespass against us. We were never instructed to forgive those who trespass against God. No, that does not mean that we are to mete out punishment in any way we see fit. Indeed, those who trespass against God are to be set outside of the community, to be readmitted if and when they truly repent. Ultimate Justice is the purview of God.

Let's clarify: We are to be forgiving and loving to those who trespass against us. The neighbor who bullies us, the boss who rides us too hard or the co-worker who seems to enjoy having us bear their load, are the challenge we must meet, in turning the other cheek. We need to see that phrase, 'turn the other cheek' as it was meant to be seen- that is, up close and personal. When someone is slapped, it is personal and then, we must offer up the other cheek, and even further, we are instructed to 'love our enemy.'

Nowhere- absolutely nowhere- are we admonished that we are to offer boundless love and to forgive those who trespass against God. In fact, it is just the opposite. We are told to 'run from evil and do goodness.' We are to distance ourselves from the evil doers.

God does not instruct us to love Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. Nor did he instruct us to love Stalin, Pol Pot or Adolph Hitler. To imply otherwise is patently absurd. There may come a time when we can forgive many sins- but that forgiveness must be earned. There has to be real contrition and real remorse before real forgiveness can earned. Bestowing unearned forgiveness is an illusion. Ask any parent.

The fact is, we need more hatred of evil. We need to be outraged at Darfur and the other places like it. We must be so outraged that we must be ready to inflict a pain so great and a punishment so profound, that the evil doers will take note and cease their brutality. There is nothing to discuss about Darfur. There is nothing to discuss about terrorism perpetrated against civilians. If that is a hard concept to accept, close your eyes and imagine it was your wife or daughter in Darfur. Imagine it was your son or husband riding a bus or eating lunch in a restaurant that was to be blown up. There is nothing to discuss about the case for the insurgency in Iraq. That argument was lost when the insurgents started blowing civilians and other innocents, on the streets or at prayer.

The evil doers must tremble in fear from the thought of our hate for them, and at the thought of retribution.

God never asked- or told- us, that we treat evil as a moral equal to what is just. That is why we instructed to punish evil. God asks us to separate ourselves from evil by establishing courts and various punishments.

Surely, some will say, 'Well, they say God is on their side.' Besides the utter stupidity of such remarks, the evidence is clear. God is never on the side of evil. How can you tell those who are just from those who are evil?

Just listen to what they have to say. It really is that simple to separate good and evil."

11:01 PM  
Blogger Gandalin said...


Thank you for visiting my poor neglected blog. I am inspired to continue.

Your comments are very well taken, and very important. I am studying the posts to which you point, and your comments on Hazlett will be the starting point for my next post.

I will also respond further, and develop my thoughts further, regarding the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself, and Freud's odd take on it.

7:05 AM  

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